
What Education Is My Child Entitled To? - 21st February 2017, Cambridge

This seminar is for parents and carers who are concerned at the provision which is being offered to their child after the age of 19.

The Children and Families Act 2014 provides that an Education, Health and Care Plan can continue to be maintained until the age of 25. However, the law does not provide a right of education to the age of 25. To date, this is resulting in a post code lottery of provision where some young people are receiving provision post 19 and others are not.

This seminar is for parents and carers who are concerned at the provision which is being offered to their child after the age of 19. The seminar will explain:

  • The duties of the Local Authority in considering post 19 education
  • How social care support may be accessed
  • Your rights to request specialist independent college placements and therapies
  • Appealing to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal

The seminar will take place in Cambridge on Tuesday 21st February 2017. We will be running two different slots due to the demand.

Session 1 -  10.00 am to 1.00 pm

Session 2 - 5.00pm to 8.00pm

To register your interest please email us at advice@sen4you.co.uk and a formal booking form will be sent to you.